Award Winning Orchards, Vineyards, and Gardens
Welcome to High Country Orchards!

Honest, Flavorful Food
A Few Words About Our Location
Our award winning orchards, vineyards &
gardens stretch over 96 acres along the
banks of the scenic Colorado River.
Visit Us
Experience our world class orchards and vineyards.
Come visit us at High Country Orchards!
Explore High Country Orchards with your family on our self-guided tours or plan your next event with us.
Shop Locally!
High Country Orchard Palisade Preserves and Salsas available at select Whole Food Stores

Due to rising costs of materials and shipping, we will not be shipping peaches this year to individual houses. We thank you for your support and please find our peaches in your local Kroger or Whole Foods in Colorado!
Our Customers Love Our Peaches
“ By far the best occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque. ”
Randy Morgan
We are the camping people I made this pie in the camper this afternoon on my it is wonderful!!! You are peaches r the best
Peace, love, happiness ....
Theresa, Thank you so much for another wonderful batch of peaches that you delivered to my friends, they just can't believe that peaches really taste like that!
Theresa & Scott, I was in the City Market in Vail this weekend and found High Country peaches. The BEST peaches I have had this year and I have had a lot.
Bruce Anderson, Esq.
Hi Theresa,
I run a company called Winerybound and I am in Colorado for the relaunch of my business. I was at your facility earlier this week and I wanted to let you know I was incredibly impressed. Your son was such a gentleman and I was amazed by his business acumen at such a young age.
I blogged about my visit and wanted to notify you of it-you can view it at
Please tell you son, thank you for being so hospitable during my visit!
Courtesy of Heather Kelly and her blog: The Great American Wine Tour
I am writing from Dillingham, Alaska. Ours is a community located on the Bristol Bay and accessible only by air and sea. We receive all of our mail by air freight. You can imagine how difficult it is to get fresh fruit and vegetables that are not bruised or over/under ripe.
I received my box of peaches from you and wanted to take the opportunity to let you know how pleased I am. The peaches were in wonderful condition. Your packaging is outstanding. We opened the box and began eating peaches right on the front porch. We love Colorado peaches and we're so excited to be able to enjoy them here at our home.
Thank you so much. We'll be ordering again and again.
I am sending this box of your goodies to my in-laws, told them about your amazing orchard which my husband and I recently visited, you son is a great store manager, we got a kick out of his sales pitch, good job and knew the products and prices well! Anyhoo, my in-laws moved to WA state two decades ago from CO and we try to send them reminders of CO, your products are awesome, I bought a variety and gave out as gifts to friends in Denver along with keeping a few for ourselves, "good pure yummy eatin!"
So, with that said, please fill this order with brochures, etc. I am sure they will pass on, the folks in WA must be sick of Apples?
Char Hawkefrom Aurora, Colorado
We visited and got a tour of the orchard during the Peach festival last weekend and had a wonderful time. We really enjoyed looking through your "country store" and all the stuff you had on the walls. We bought 3 "layers" of peaches to take home with us to Arvada. We gave one layer to our friends and some individual ones to other friends and everyone really enjoyed them and said they were the best they have had-and we definitely agree! They truly are "sink" peaches-you have to eat them over the sink cuz they are so juicy! We also bought some peach salsa that was wonderful-it did not last long at all! I also really enjoyed nibbling on the pear tomatoes we bought from you on the way home. I had to go to your website to find some recipes for our now very ripe peaches because we will not let any of them go bad or not get eaten! I just wanted to let you know we enjoyed the tour, and your peaches are definitely the best we have had!
Thanks again!
Amy Andrews